lake side view

Eagle at Thoseghar

Eagle at the Thoseghar Waterfalls, Maharashtra

Windmills at Chalkewadi

Windmills at Chalkewadi

Priya relaxing in the tall grass

Misty SAHYADRIS - Rajghad | Ratanghad | Kaas | Chalkewadi

Camouflaged in the tall grass

Priya and Lovell at Chalkewadi

Misty SAHYADRIS - Rajghad | Ratanghad | Kaas | Chalkewadi


On the way up to Kaas plateau

Misty SAHYADRIS - Rajghad | Ratanghad | Kaas | Chalkewadi


The most #powerful and #abundant #resource is #Water. However, it has taught us time and again for its #sustainable use. Water is both source of #life & #death. Keep its #nature as it is suppose to be, so that we just get to see it as a life tool. #water

Misty SAHYADRIS - Rajghad | Ratanghad | Kaas | Chalkewadi