dawn 10 March 2016

Lake's Edge at Sunrise

Live Oak on Foggy Backlighting

Full bloom

D-Day + 72 years

Heavyladen Visitor

Westside ice house

Water Lotus Bed

Lining Up the Desks

Foggy Mighty Quercus

Pas de deux

All in One - The Village at Sandhill (fisheye)

Bradford Lane

Red Bellied Woody

Optical Illusion? Or Not? Answer

drapeau Normand

St. Patrick's Day parade...

The rare "Snorkel Shrew". Still trying to determine its gender.

The Love Bug goes to see the vet...

St. Patrick's Day

on my hat

Windsor Shores sunset | Welcome to the States!!! | EXPLORED

Windsor Shores Lake | EXPLORED


Esperando la Tormenta

It's gonna be a bright, bright Sun-Shiny day

The Nissan Altima | EXPLORED

Variations on a Theme

There was a time.....

After the rain

Which path?

Here comes Peter Cottontail

Sunrise over the lilypads

Sandhill rosemary below pines

Sunset over Windsor Shores Lake | EXPLORED

The Lake | Happy Thanksgiving! | EXPLORED

Windsor Shores sunset | EXPLORED

Pine In the Storm

The Windsor Lake Reflection