Malawi Blue Dawn

Happy New Year

Malawi sunset no 2

A Symphony of Lights: The World’s Most Beautiful Skyline Part II.

Fisherman on the Lake

Rainy day

Magestic Golden Sunset over Bohol Sea Between Talisayan Cagayan De Oro and Camiguin Island 730 km South East of Manila, Philippines | Photograph by © ROMMEL BANGIT | All rights reserved

The first coffee of the morning always tastes the best

Magan on Mt Mulanje

Biomass Burning, Southern Africa (NASA, International Space Station, 07/23/11)

Rural Malawi

cut down the tallest tree in the forest with a herring

Second book of Kings 22, 8-13.23, 1-3.Obra Padre Cotallo

Fishers of Men

Mulanje Massif, Malawi (NASA, ISERV, 10/22/13)

A blast from the past (**Explored)

Mon aquarium poissons du lac Malawi

Lake Malawi twilight is not all it seems

Panoramic view of farmer's field under conservation agriculture in Malawi

Malawi sunset no 1

Thyolo Escarpment - Malawi

Perfect Ending [EXPLORE!]

Think Again

Glittering Sunrise

The Mists of Mulanji

Daybreak on Nkhoma

Lost Forest

Telemarks kanalen

Mlumbe Panorama

This evening

Lake Malawi thunder storm

Water is Life

you should go back

The Rainmaker

Rising to Mulanje .

Zebras in the Mist

Spills and Falls

Purple morning

Fever Tree

Grey Sky Morning

High Voltage