Strolling along the magic corridor of Autumn

Red lines - - Explore

Almere Duin

Aalscholver - Cormorant

Porcelain Fungus in the search of light

View from St. Vitus Church of the fortified city of Naarden

Springtime at the heathland of Bussum

Ice Ice Baby...

Holland, as I saw it

Wooden Bridge

Lighthouse of Marken

The outward man is the swinging door; the inner man is the still hinge

Ice breaker

Marken; Village view

The scottish higlander feels at home

Pink Lightning!

Cold as Ice


Holland's Essence

Nature-education centre "De Oostvaarders"

The view over the lake

a foggy day

Landscape with tulips

The Other Side Of The Border

Pastel morning

Tussen de huizen / Between the houses

Cirkelbos Almere

Aerial Gooimeerdijkwest Flevoland

The Sun Is Going Down

godwit detonation

Legal aliens

Het Paard van Marken

I Think It Is Time For WW3

Cracks in the ice. Watch out!

Wittewerf Marken

Leader of the pack

Ruralité Hollandaise

IMG_0231 the broken tree


Just Another Monday Morning