Luckett Vineyards

View through the ice cake, Medford Beach Nova Scotia

Views from the 902

Grand Pre, Nova Scotia

standard view

Fox Hill Cheese House

Up on the Mountain...

Welcome to the Garden Room

blomidon vineyard, nova scotia

HDR Combine

Grapes with a view

blomidon view too

blomidon view

a broader view

Bald eagle

peak yellow

Cliche View

Eat-in or Fly-out?

A Perfect Bench

august over the dykes

minas basin view

Sun Set Over Evangeline Beach (Low Tide)

just a half-minute of your time

fall is right around the bend

there is a tide in the affairs of men

time and tide

one last look back

rollin', rollin', rollin'

the tide will turn

bare bones

twice a day, every day

too silent to be real

hay there

ten minute meditation

the sandra leanne

and that is the way we roll

Grand Pre

pot o' gold