Ray of Light

Wooden Wheelchair

Hibernia Park (10/1/2010) CCPP PS-MO P1.02

Abiah Taylor Farm

Nurse's Room

Red Spotted Purple ventral view

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly on Sedum

Mallard drake in flight

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly ventral view

Pearl Crescent (dorsal view)

101230 Struble Trail 072

Kennedy Covered Bridge hdr 07 (Revisited)

Common White-tailed Dragonfly (male)

Beautiful pest.

Female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (yellow morph)

PKJ-Carduelis tristis-101106.jpg

K627-Persicaria sagittata-100823-2

L404-Solanum nigrum-100723

Contrasts of Fall - 091115.117

Eastern Tiger Swallowtails everywhere

H203-Quercus bicolor-100825

Carpet of gold

Slippery Rock

Turning away

Stroud Farm, Nov.'14

French Creek State Park Autumn

Trees and "Lightning"

131018 Creek Rd 107

Warmer days

golden hour on the Brandywine River

Cheslen Preserve


The same Tree in Black & White. Nature Scenics Landscape Commute Morning Sky Bwwednesday at East Coventry, PA


Monarch on last coneflower

Sheeder-Halll Covered Bridge-Oct 213.jpg

The Spicebush Swallowtail.

Goldfinches love sunflowers

Wet 'n Wild

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (juv., male)

Barn on Shamona Creek

Battered Song Sparrow