Mentari Syawal

See You Again

131016 Heading Home 19

Jeram Pasu Waterfall

scene from kampong, well we managed to reach the top of this hill @minyuan_fc @kherchoon

Power of Dreams ||

#salamaidilfitri #hariraya #maafzahirbatin #salam00 #9W2IKY #redland

#colek #tamanbarakahtanahmerah #ramadan2016

回憶日 祝老闆娘生意興隆!

Food truck

Air terjun yang malu akibat kemarau

K A N C I L student saya cakap kalo naik kancil xde perempuan cinta. Kalo naik CIVIC baru ada chenta.

Tea time

Benda paling best bila kt kampung... Baring depan rumah

Ayam api umi saya bela. Ada lg, ayam, itik. #ayamapi #ayam #itik

My datuk #grandfather #grandpa

Mencari sesuap nasi... #lokcing #satelokcingkelate

Hometown ||

On the way to Manjor

Photo Nov 18, 5 42 16 PM

Photo Nov 18, 6 12 13 PM

071014 Selamat Pagi Cinta Buah Hati Sayang. T'ganu mung tunggu ambe datang A random edit by me. Photo credits : @therago_ig #ragoclans

Che mek molek street art

Che mek molek street art