lonely pylon - einsamer Mast

Nobody's waiting...

Schautafel Kraftwerk - Chart Powerstation

The Iron Giant

Find the single still working man - Finde den einzigen, der noch arbeitet

Langer Schatten - Grosser Indemann / Long shadow - big Indemann

Leute´s Köpfe - People´s Heads

step in

the dark (t)ones 2011 #05


Viewpoint over mining

My way



Tagebau Hambach -09- een Absetzer

meister lampe

Google Maps Business View its Baesweiler 3


funny smokey figure

Weir in Rurdorf

Tagebau Hambach -11- Steenkool laadinstallatie / Kohleverladung

Weihnachtsausflug 2011 - Pier

Weihnachtsausflug 2012 1/66

Opencast Pit Garzweiler

favorite site

DSC01817 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01816 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01812 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01809 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01792 Windräder in NRW

DSC01813 Windradpark in NRW

Im Mai

DSC01808 Windrad und Braunkohlekraftwerk in NRW

DSC01789 Windräder in NRW

DSC01811 Windradpark in NRW

Sonnenuntergang am Blausteinsee - IMG_0093_20141031

DSC01779 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01815 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01814 Windradpark in NRW

I can see your house from here

Ochsenauge (Maniola jurtina)