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Love in an Elevator

Writing Table

Eastern Painted Turtles

Great Blue Skimmer Dragonfly

Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly Close-up

Question Mark and the Mysterians

Harlequin Darner

Six-spotted Fishing Spider

There Goes [Explore]

Juvie Flapper

Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Miracle Prayer

Pressin' the 6

October Morning View from Mt. Kemble Trail

Northern Harrier

Exploring Light and Sound

Faithful Barrier

10m dash

Woman Of The House

Ray of Light

This is the view over my shoulder at lunch time.

In the not too distant future

Autumn by the Lake

A Crystalline Morning (Explored)

Peeking Into Eden (revisited)

path through forest

Summer in the woods

Green Heron (Butorides virescens)

Pond and Fall Foliage

Pond and Fall Foliage

Late In The Day

Scherman Wildlife -314757

Warm #winter day, icy #pond and a few #clouds

Scherman Wildlife -314763

Speedwell Park, Morristown, NJ

Great Swamp Wilderness Area

Beautiful morning in the Great Swamp

Misty Morning

Rockaway River

Snipe Attack (Wilson's Snipe)

Troy Hills Marsh