Lilies in the Water at Sunset


wooden coasters$ss

Florida - Tampa: Busch Gardens Theme Park - view out of a Train car from the "Serengeti Express"

Kyle Sprague & Fred McGriff

Little Blue Nestling in Profile at Lowry Park in Tampa, Florida

This Ain't Pretty

Meerkat Left Profile at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

River View

Fennec Fox kit

Gray-green Clubtail (female)- Cypress Creek Preserve

Wolf's Mona Monkey With a Searching Look at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

Just Drying Out


State of Florida Flag in Tampa After Hurricane IRMA, Broken but Still Working Hard.

What Do You Mean Turtle Soup !


African Elephant Calf Seeking Mom's Shade at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

Lettuce lake park

Tigers Two

Brown Anole, Cypress Creek Preserve

The Tree Spirit

sérénité sous la pluie battante

Florida - Tampa: Busch Gardens - Alligator's everywhere, the "ever present Florida Animal"

A good night for haunting.

Young Gator

Florida - Tampa: Thunderclouds over Busch Gardens and the African Savannah

Busch Gardens - Tampa, FL

Florida - Tampa: Busch Gardens - The Animal Care Center

Florida Storms

Hooked on a Feeling

Great Crested flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus)

Sulphur Springs Water Tower Vertical

06102013 Storm

Sulphur Springs Water Tower Horizontal

sous la pluie battante...

A Wolf's Cry in the Night

Deep in the Forest: Green Moss-Covered Lake