Go With the Flow but Keep Your Ear to the Ground

Go With the Flow but Keep Your Ear to the Ground BW

Farm Road

Wilson's Warbler

Not Just A Trickle

Tannery 1

it's not about the destination, it's about the journey

Nature's Lines and Curves

Chesterfield Gorge

A Brook in Fall

The Mill Stream

Pony Mountain, Ashfield

On the Way to the Emerald Pool

Top of the Falls

Clark Hill in Worthington, Massachusetts

Fair View

Foliage point on Great River Ride (this time with sheep!)

Sandhill Crane

Wahconah Falls

WMECo 22.9/13.2kV Y pole


Stream of Consciousness

In the Flow

The Sculptor at Work

Portrait of a Waterfall

Portrait of a Waterfall BW

The Sculptor at Work

Chickley River

Waconah Falls, Massachusetts

Stream of Consciousness BW

In the Flow BW

Chesterfield Gorge

Worthington, New 100% Precast Bridge, September 2012

Tannery Falls