by request

Bridge with a view

Autumn view of Rapids Bridge in Rock Creek Park

Spring Flow

Cycling thru a Crosswalk, a City Scene #1

African Daisy... November surprise!

Gilded Sweat Bee (Augochlorella aurata), female; Mount Rainier, PGC, Maryland; Aug 26, 2014

The Sanctuary

Sunlit Gazania... Brilliant Orange Beauty...

Window view

C&O Canal - Georgetown

Georgetown Bridges over the C & O Canal

Heading Towards The White Waters

My Work Place

Washington DC METRO Rail Station

Slippery Slope... bee gathering pollen in Balloon Flower...

National Cathedral, inside the main chapel

Key Bridge

Small carpenter bee (Ceratina calcarata or strenua); Mount Rainier, PGC, Maryland; Sep 24, 2015

one hand giveth, the other taketh away

Temple room

Waterfall at Turkey Run Park

Wide View of the Potomac River

C'est la vie

Rock Creek Park

patterns in the stream

Coming to the Tree

A Rocky Morning Reflection ...

Autumn in glorious color

Kennedy Center and Watergate complex by Potomac River

playing with light

Big World for Little Adam

Waterfall at Turkey Run Park

Rock Creek Park

Lake Artemesia

Potomac at Riverbend

Donaldson Run

C&O Canal, Georgetown

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal