Silly camp chickens prefer hanging out in the trees instead of the coop. They do have a better view from there.

Sherwood Forest


Chickahominy View

41 - Balcony view

52 - Portico view

53 - Rear view

54 - Golf course view

55 - Golf course view

56 - Golf course view

20111023-rear view twilight

20111023-rear view twilight2

20111023-rear view twilight3

20111023-rear view twilight4

16900 Holly Point Rd. - rear exterior panoramic S4 raw

16900 Holly Point Rd. - front exterior S4 video raw

16900 Holly Point

back porch

back porch2

backyard panorama

dock view

Aquatics staff hunting for sharks teeth after dinner.

Last Light

Virginia: Near Harrison's Landing: Wilcox Landing

Pictures-091006 011

Approaching rain

Berkley Plantation

Clouds over Sunken Meadow Pond

Chickahominy Riverfront Park

Chickahominy shoreline

Private Beach 3

Berkley Plantation

Berkley Plantation

Reflections in a pond - a world upside down...

Sherwood Forest

Sherwood Forest

Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria hick pk_0734

Sunken Meadow Pond