Dual Rainbow over Campinas

Música no Shopping

Um teto tão familiar...

Lagoa do Taquaral

Torre do Castelo

Cycas revoluta male strobilus (cone)

Moss protonema 1

Moss protonema 2

Cycas revoluta male strobilus (cone)

Commelina erecta 1

Drop in a Dime

50 thousand views

City Lights

Moonlight Serenade

Natural beauty

Ray of Light through the Window

Campinas - City view

Bombax ceiba_1867

Bombax ceiba_1863

The Past from Above - Anhumas Train Station - Campinas-SP, Brazil

city view from my room

Joaquim Egídio

Castanheiras ????????????

Lightning Week

Pool party!

11.14.The other end of Lake Tasisuak

The sun and me!!! Love ❤️❤️????????☀️ #schirato #sun #lifestyle #lifeisgood #swimming #tanning #tanningday #fitness #fitnesslifestyle #mylife #april #autumn #brazil

Clock Tower at Swiss Park Campinas

Em busca da boa foto / Chasing the good photo

Almost two...

Mata nativa


Área Militar

Rio Atibaia

Joaquim Egídio


Joaquim Egídio

Two is better than one.

Pedreira SP


Lukas Batistel