tears in the sky
Wintertag im Isental
light at dawn
25 seconds for myfear
reaching out
distant blue
dreaming of ...
apocalyptic view
cold as ice
upside down
daramatic sky *
four :)
wedding flowers
we are three now
bleeding love
All truths
artists can color the sky red
from the moon and the stars arround
flying high
darkest night
Day after Day
Bavaria - Bayern - in green - in Grün
Bayern - Bavaria - Heumachen - Haymaking
wild river reflection
Heumachen - Haymaking
Ebersberg - Zwillingsbäume auf dem Vogelberg
mistaken for a dawn
Tall trees (SX-70)
Ebersberg - Vogelberg
Cold as Ice
Panorama Ebersberg from the observation tower
Brothers in Arms
four horespower
Snow - St. Koloman
Wanderung um den Egglburger See / Hike around the lake Egglburger
Snow - Ottenhofen