Little Yellow & Blue Mistflower

Grasshopper Sparrow

Three Bears Bluff Cabin.

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View from Three Bears Bluff - Sunset After the Storm.

Quiet time #weekend #views #dahlonega #knowlesitall #color

Cabin on the Creek

View from Three Bears Bluff - It's Coming.

Polytrichum commune (Common Haircap Moss)

Shiny Flea Beetle - Asphaera lustrans

Fiery Skipper - Male

Red-shouldered Hawk

Variegated June Beetle

Documentary Photos for BugGuide

Darkling Beetle

Spider as food

Documentary Photos for BugGuide

Wolf Spider on Mountain Laurel

Wolf Spider

Eastern Phoebe

Copperhead residing on our patio

Bryant Creek.jpg

Cartecay Hiker

Cohutta Overlook

Fall Preview

Lake Buckhorn - Ellijay, GA (Explored 8/8/2012 #311)


The road less traveled

Kell's Ridge Water

Carolina Wren

10-12-2012 (5)

Mountains From the Cohutta Overlook on Fort Mountain: Murray County, Georgia

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Tractorin' on the apple orchard.

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Mountains From the Cohutta Overlook on Fort Mountain: Murray County, Georgia

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Mountains From the Cohutta Overlook on Fort Mountain: Murray County, Georgia

Gilmer County

Old Cabin