Hoverfly Hovering

In hindsight!

Crazy Traffic of Delhi

Indian elder

Migratory Birds

Delhi, Qutab Complex


Delhi Streets (1 of 4)

Om Namho Bhaskaraya Namah

hybrid tea rose 02018

Patterned Window

Yellow Bougainvillea 01124 पीला बोगनवेलिया

Delhi Streets (4 of 4)


Smoggy Delhi

Delhi Streets (2 of 4)

Delhi Streets (3 of 4)

Red Fort Complex ...

Yellow Petunia

cauliflower ## Gobhi # गोभी

Face off

The colourful look!

Hairdo by nature!

Qutb Minar

Delhi Evening

Has to lead somewhere...

Lonely Stray Dog...

Voyage Through the star crossed Land

Mother and Child

Anyone here know me?

It's lunch time...

The flying squirrel!

I'm back!


Entre el ruido y el caos: Retratos de la India.

A profile view...

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly

New Delhi During Night..

Lynx Spider

Soldier Fly (Stratiomys Potamida)