Luna Moth (Actias luna)

Splash Splash Bye Bye

Cry Baby II: The Aftermath

up the pole

Pleasant Lake, IN, 2002

Apples, Green Peppers, Cucumbers, and Oranges

I Do

Wolcottville, Indiana Tower 1969

Mighty Stallion

Hey Flickr? Please Stop!!!

Green iPod

Fall, Head Blown Off, Leaves in the Air, and Florida

Cel-shaded Toilet Seats

Wolcottville, Indiana InterlockingTower

Freakishly Large Beetle - Fiery Searcher Beetle

You can tell it's summer when I start taking macro photos.

Always Angry

Shakopee Lake

Hollywood Kid

Baby Pine Needles

View from the fire pit

This is where the INE splits off the E-W former Wabash Line and makes it's way up into MI, on the former NYC's Fort Wayne & Jackson Line in the foreground is the former marl pits

Fall in Amish country

Field of a Thousand Dandelions

Meramec Caverns Barn, Kendallville, IN

Sunning Turtle

Wow #magical

About to enter #magicalolinlake

Lake House (Late August)

Vintage Series -- Adams Lake c. 1950, My mother

Lake House (Late August)

Lake House (Late August)

On way to magical Olin lake. Peak colors. Nobody else. #backintime

Through the Eyes of a Field Mouse

Park Panoramic

Lake House (Late August)

Lake House (Late August)

Lake House (Late August)


2011-05-13 19.31.25

Lake day. "What should we call this lake?" "Well it's Big and Long..." "Perfect! Big Long Lake!" #biglonglake #lake