
Chen caerulescens (Snow Geese)

Cama State Park (8362)

Exploring the Trails Around Baker Lake

160403 SEA-YVR-07.jpg

Snow Bunting (5167)

sunrise flight

Vesper Sparrow (3210) (eBird Rarity)

Bald Eagle and Landscape

Stilt Sandpiper (7590) (eBird Rarity)


Chasing The Sunset

Day181 Window View

Rock Sandpiper (6037) (eBird Rarity)

Maple Grove Beach

View from a train


Snow Bunting (5170)

Take Off.

Maple Grove Beach

Snow Goose - Snohomish County, WA - April 2007

2011-12-17 Ika Island (D90 Archives) (2048x1024)

Iverson Point-Camano Island Iverson Point-Camano Island (8519)

2011-12-17 Ika Island & Goat Island (D90 Archives) (2048x1024)

Gentle Sunset

winter wonderland

Farmland & Mountains


Sunset Clouds

Skagit Sunset

Morning Field

Lines in Dirt.jpg

Sunset Perch

Driftwood Abstract, Oak Harbor, Washington, Spring 2017

Sunset over the Saratoga Passage

Eide Road 2-8-2015-2828

Sunset at Kayak

#camanoisland #beachhouse #juniperbeach #driftwood #samsungnote4

Badlands National Park

Skagit Delta Potato Farm-001

Silvana Sunset