The Eastern Red Cliffs of Glacier NP {DSC_7854_tmc}

The view from Haystack Butte

The Garden Wall

A Valley from an Overlook

Hidden Lake

Glacier - Mountain View for Goats

travel for travel's sake...

A Valley in the Mountains

A Meadow, Trees and Mountains

View from Hidden Lake Overlook

Avalanche lake with a unexpected visitor in my picture :)

"Wander without purpose or reason"

A Stream in the Mountains (Glacier National Park)

A Look Across the Mountains, Valleys, and Grassy Meadows at Piegan Pass (Glacier National Park)

fairytale land

Glacier - Mountain Sunset

Taking in the Mountains and Valleys of Glacier National Park

Avalanche Creek

Mt. Jackson

Rugged Mountains and Valleys (Glacier National Park)

Mountain View