Dying Mall

Oerlikon 20mm AA rear

SdKfz 265 rear - Albert

Oerlikon 20mm AA

Red-veined Pennant (immature male)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

Dying Mall

Osprey- Hudson Beach

Hudson Beach Estates

Rear view

Dying Mall

Red-tailed Hawk- Veteran's Memorial Park

Band-winged Dragonlet (male)- Veteran's Memorial Park

Little Blue Heron- Hudson Beach

Banded Sphinx Moth (Eumorpha fasciatus)- Veteran's Memorial Park

Osprey- Hudson Beach

Brown Pelican, Hudson Beach

Green Lynx- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

Close-Up of Community Congregational Church, New Port Richey, Florida (2 of 4)

Dying Mall

Salt Springs

Front of Community Congregational Church, New Port Richey, Florida (1 of 4)

West of nowhere

BW Tree

Gulf Sunset [Explored]

West of Nowhere

Daily gift

Starkey Wilderness Park walk

Sunset over the gulf of Mexico

Red-shouldered Hawk (juvenile)- A nice and regular Yard Bird.

Florida Walkabout

Hudson Ave (Explored)

Sandhill Clubtail (male)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

Red Knot- Sunwest Park

Cicada KIller (Sphecius speciosus)

Werner-Boyce Salt Springs State Park

Cuban Tree Frog- Back Porch

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Hudson Beach

Morning Fog


Southern Toad, Bayonet Point, Florida

Semipalmated Plover- Hudson Beach