A Sipping Wigeon

Canvasback Hen

American Wigeon Hen

Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay

Canvasback Male on the Choptank River...6O3A6120A

Canvasback Drake

American Wigeon...

Lesser Scaup

American Wigeon

Chesapeake View

Lesser Scaup (drake)

Lesser Scaup (Hen)

Winter Geese at Blackwater

Are you kiddin me?

Hyatt Chesapeake Golf Course

Blue-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum ambiguum)

24 - Eric - 20080704

View At Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge


View Along The Wildlife Drive

Blue-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum ambiguum)

A Tree By the River

Cambridge, Maryland

Choptank River Lighthouse


New England Aerial Sunset

Trying the fishing out in Maryland. #nobites

Crab Baskets at the Choptank River Lighthouse

Good day for Golf

Trying the fishing out in Maryland. #nobites

05024 Choptank Sunset

Birds and Planets

She and her shadow

The Sun at the Bay

Choptank River #sunset #sunshots2013

04997 Choptank River Bridge - Sunset

Relating to the shadow

A midsummer sunrise

Least Sandpiper 2017-12

Choptank River Lighthouse