St. Joseph's Cathedral

Wejście do portu

The panoramic view to the beautiful city of Liepaja.

Cisza, spokój

Liepaja, Latvia


At lake

Kanał Handlowy

Liepaja Lake

Солнце коснулось воды и зашипело..

Liepaja Channel

Baltic Sea

The Northern Forts

Baltic Sea


#Море и сосны. #latvia #liepaja #bernati

Karosta Channel, Liepaja

The Northern Forts

За буйки не заплывать #nofilter #latvia #baltic #sea #winter

Baltic Sea

The Kalpaks Bridge

In flames

The last of the light

Sniegots jūras krasts Liepājā

All along the watchtower


Before the storm.

Pilot channel approaching lights
