View of the Cauca River looking south

Liborina entre montañas / Liborina amid the mountains

Río Cáuca

Merman las aguas

Puente de Occidente

Buritica surface infrastructure under construction

A military presence augments the site security.

Access between site and the town of Buriticá

Classic "intermediate sulfidation epithermal" vein and breccia textures from drill core at Buriticá.

Fine example in drill core of the two stage mineralization process at Buritica

Earthworks in action at the site of the future Plant site for the operation

Preparing to go enter the portal and go underground at Buritica.

Sabanalarga, Antioquia.

Sabanalarga, Antioquia.

Sabanalarga, Antioquia.

Sabanalarga, Antioquia.

Sabanalarga, Antioquia.

Sabanalarga, Antioquia.

Sabanalarga, Antioquia.

Amazilia saucerottei - Amazilia Verdiazul - Steely-vented Hummingbird

Espatulilla común - Todirostrum cinereum - Common Tody-Flycatcher

Abundant visible gold in drillcore from Buriticá

Over the mountain

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La jalea real contiene dentro de su composición, vitaminas como la vitamina B5, vitamina del complejo B que estimula en sistema inmunológico, y previene la acción de agentes externos que pueden provocar una degeneración celular. Por otra parte, la jalea r