Catching some shade in Collonges-la-Rouge
Confessional....Adam and Eve...The Fall and expulsion from Eden... Lilith may be linked in part to a historically earlier class of female demons (lilītu) in ancient texts of Sumer, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, and Babylonia..... biggest enemy of humans
Collonges-la-Rouge (Corrèze).
Collonges-la-Rouge (Corrèze).
Collonges-la-Rouge (Corrèze).
Collonges-la-Rouge (Corrèze).
Collonges-la-Rouge (Corrèze).
Collonges-la-Rouge (Corrèze).
Ah! The Pleasures of a Sunday Afternoon Ride Out on the Bikes...Not!
Fleur de Gaura lindheimeri
La Dordogne depuis le Belvédère de Copeyre, Lot, France
Red Church...
Red Town...
La Mise au tombeau - Carennac
View from the bottom
LANTEUIL (Corrèze)
Noailhac - Saint-Pierre-ès-Liens
Street view - Carennac(1)
Tympan de l'église Saint-Pierre - Carennac
Saint Pierre Church
Lanteuil Football Ground
rincon de Curemonte 1
Ruisseau du Caillon
05/2014 - Estivals (FR-19) - SNCF BB 7205 + Rame TER MP - TER 871628 (Toulouse - Brive)
Mélitée orangée (Melitaea didyma) Spotted Fritillary
La Grange Rouge à Turenne (19)
****Le beau village de Curemonte
Polyommatus bellargus
Ruisseau du Caillon - EXPLORE
****Village de Turenne
# Vision depuis la Tour César à Turenne
Melitaea athalia
Aricia agestis
Aporia crataegi
Marsh Fritillaries (Euphydryas aurinia)
Hoplia coerulea
Martel - Midi-Pyrénées, Lot - França
Antiquité agricole dans le Lot
etang de Vayrac-Dordogne 1
Melitaea cinxia
la chapelle aux saints -1