a view from the Petit Clocher

a view from the Petit Clocher #3

Its 5:45 am, do you know were your Geese are?

Ravissante Anne / Charming Anne

Sunrise in Morin Heights

Verbascum thapsus / Mullein / Tabac du diable

Feuilles de molène. L'an prochain la tige va apparaitre.

Mullein / Cowboy toilet paper / Verbascum thapsus

À VENDRE / FOR SALE / Vue / View

Side view of my rented 2006 Dodge Caliber

Saint-Sauveur morning

Verbascum thapsus / molène / mullein


Common mullein / verbascum thapsus

#st-adolphe #belvedere #lake #view #quebec #montreal #canada #mushrooms #autumn

a view from the top

Down from the hills

a view from the top #2

Top hill view 2

There is #Passion in the #Sky this evening. My view at my #Namaste Retreat #Harmony #Gratitude #Vision #Love #Meditation #breathtaking #Art #Fire #Yoga #Life #dream

Round Lake Sainte Adele

Its cold out there...

Rivière St Sauveur

Parmi les brindilles

deora ar mo chroi

Jean-Guys Camera

skiing down the slope

Coucher du soleil sur le lac Chevreuils, Monfort

some frozen branches #4

the cabin in the wood

some frozen branches #3

Mini mini

Le manoir du lac

140604 Parc des Amoureux - Val David -8446

some frozen branches #2

Fly me to the Moon…
