Beach of Petit-Havre ~ Guadeloupe

Sainte-Anne Beach ~ Guadeloupe

38 - 40 -> More Love

Broken Dreams - but i don't know the story - 23!

Lying On A Beach...watching clouds go by and listening to the sound of the wind in the palms....reellaaxxxx!

Lawyer's Little Backyard House - HFF :)

Exotic Fruits at the Caribbean Market

Don't worry, don't hurry, take it easy...

Exotic Fruits at the Caribbean Market

Cimetière de Morne-À-l'Eau ~ Corpus Christi

01-View on Sainte Anne

Sun rays and cloudy day...

Leaning Coconut Tree on Beach

Colorful Details

Cimetière de Morne-À-l'Eau ~ Corpus Christi

Blue plane

Holding position

Mrs queen is here

Hidden Guadeloupe


Face to face

Couleurs Antilles à Sainte-Anne

Plage de Babin

Quand vient l'hiver....

Coucher de soleil sur le Grand Cul de Sac Marin à Baie-Mahault

Guadeloupe - Sainte Anne

Carte postale

Guadeloupe - Sainte Anne

Gwada sunrise

Ilet Caret - Guadeloupe

Nature always wins

Bleue, blue, the sea is blue #Guadeloupe #caraïbes #carribean #blue #sea #travel #vacation #retourauxsources #backhome #love #beauty #life #islands #lifestyle #carribeanlifestyle #BasduFort #happyness #ambiance #emotion

paradis antillais

îlet Fajou 2

Vue sur l'ilet du Gosier


îlet Caret

Plage déserte

Paysage de Guadeloupe

Guadeloupe - Ilet Gosier

This is one of the most beautiful spot in Gande terre, Guadeloupe. This place is amazing, peaceful, powerful, with some much energy. I need to go here and in some other places like "Petite Porte d'Enfer" and "Grande Porte d'Enfer" to resource. Mr Pitig sa

Guadeloupe le françois