Iloilo (RPVI) Runway 02,

Maasin, Iloilo (c) 2008 #documentaryphotography #vans3n #ilostrado

Steve, Rowena & Darwin

Naumol ako sa mga bilog bilog! They're tomatoes from Bucari.

Tomatoes! Bought a kilo for 20 pesos.

Pine trees in Bucari, Leon.

Panorama of Isia Victoria Elementary School

Filipinos are bball crazy! Balling in slippas takes skill...

A little football with the local boys in Leon, Ilo Ilo!

“And so long as you haven't experienced this: to die and so to grow, you are only a troubled guest on the dark earth.”


Wayback Wednesday 3/3 #vsco #vscocam #pilipinasvsco #vscophile #vscoph #vscogood #vscofood #vscofeedph #instagrampost #instadaily #instagood #instamood #iamiloilo #vscophilippines #iloilo #aesthetic #vscoaesthetics

Wayback Wednesday 2/3 #vsco #vscocam #pilipinasvsco #vscophile #vscoph #vscogood #vscofood #vscofeedph #instagrampost #instadaily #instagood #instamood #iamiloilo #vscophilippines #iloilo #aesthetic #vscoaesthetics

Wayback Wednesday 1/3 #vsco #vscocam #pilipinasvsco #vscophile #vscoph #vscogood #vscofood #vscofeedph #instagrampost #instadaily #instagood #instamood #iamiloilo #vscophilippines #iloilo #aesthetic #vscoaesthetics

Soul Searching... ♡

A cloudless sky.
