Saint Petersburg - Drawbridge

Bulbous Spire / Zwiebelturm

Interior of one Onion Dome / Das Innere eines Zwiebeltürmchens

Ceiling Vault / Deckengewölbe


Imagine the terrified US of Israel Terrorist Empire without Vladimir Putin to smear. Of course CIA-Mossad will invent endless boogeymen plus their ISIS & Al Qaeda & scarier Putins as pretexts for USI further robbing Earth at gunpoint -PNAC Mission.

Hazy panorama

The plane began to landing

In Saint Petersburg Metro

Храм Спаса на Крови

Russia, Vyborg: view from the Olaf's tower / Выборг: вид с башни святого Олафа

Image taken from page 393 of '[Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. Interspersed with historical relations and political inquiries. Illustrated with charts and engravings.]'

Image taken from page 399 of 'The Earth and its Inhabitants. The European section of the Universal Geography by E. Reclus. Edited by E. G. Ravenstein. Illustrated by ... engravings and maps'

Image taken from page 243 of 'Bidrag till Kännedom om Ingermanlands historia och förvaltning, etc'

Image taken from page 575 of 'Ofversigt af svenska krigens och krigsinrättningarnes historia'

Image taken from page 276 of 'The Earth and its Inhabitants. The European section of the Universal Geography by E. Reclus. Edited by E. G. Ravenstein. Illustrated by ... engravings and maps'


Vyborg Town Centre

[Explore] [ICM] Enter To The Magic Forest ( Toksovo ) - Russia -

White Nights at Lake Ladoga


Pavlovsk Palace. Павловский Дворец.


IMG_9536_RAW - Priory Palace in Gatchina

Early morning.

Pavlovsk. Centaurus Bridge. Павловск. Мостик с кентаврами.

Pavlovsk Park.

An old pier

Night in Karelia



true winter

Good evening

A new day has come

Ray of Light

beautiful day

River Karasta. Oranienbaum

На рыбалку

Lintulan Joki