Evening glory over Phoenix

Tempe Arizona, USA

Cactus in bloom

Tempe Center for the Arts at Night

Four Organizers Of Humankind

Rolling West Into The Night

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Overlooking the Valley of the Sun

Anatomy Of A Sunset

Snowbird Arrival

The Exceedingly Rare and Extraordinarily Fragile Air-Berry Bush

When Red Gets Confused

Cobalt Blue Water

Sol Seat

Street Art Mural: Aerial View of Bicyclist & Whimsical Colorful Background, Tempe, Arizona

First Light Under the Freeway

Her Majesty The Bridge

Tempe Bridge

Macro, Woven Basket

Freshly Mowed Pond

Tucking in to an artisnal plate before a viewing of "The Lobster". One seriously strange film, which isn't a bad thing.

Welcome to Arizona state, where is Grand Canyon with desert and huge cactus????

Tempe, Arizona

Christmas #46 - Self-organizing seismographs

Sol's Eye

Arizona Landscape, Phoenix

Orbitals in Motion

Tempe, Arizona

City Park

Phoenix South Mountain Park, Arizona

The Daily Renewal Of Hope

Neopolitan Desert

Quote - Tree - Unquote

Ice Day

Spring bee