Col naso all'insu !!


Ex Convento dei Teatini


the colors of the sun

I'll wait for you

Light On The Countryside (Lecce - Salento - Puglia - Italia - Italy)

Floor Of Colours (Salento - Puglia - Italia - Italy)

Lecce by night, Italy - HDR

hotel risorgimento, 5-stars, lecce / salento

Templari Street Under Xmas Blue Lights - Christmas 2008 (Lecce - Salento - Puglia - Italia - Italy)

Old city wall with shadow

Pre - Vendemmia #04

Lecce at golden hour

Too hot to visit

Roman Amphitheatre and view of S.Maria della Grazie, Lecce-Puglia

Le luci della Festa - Salento's night lights

Cupola Cappella del Carcere “li Bobò” (Lecce - Salento - Puglia - Italia - Italy) (4 Shots Stiched)

Lecce No. 0001, registration No. LE SGM 001

Lecce, 27 gennaio 2013 (Italy) (11)

Lecce, teatro romano

Sleep time



sguardo ad Est

Silver storm

I will cry

Road to Nowhere

Lecce fontana-armonia

La compagna salentina

Мгновения, мгновения, мгновения...

Torre Chianca - Lecce

Red hot poppies

In each tear

Поля Диониса

Я не говорю прощай, я говорю до встречи...

#Bruges #Belgio #followme

Скоро лето!

a low sunday in Italy

Живое море
