Cades Cove Spring

This Is the Reason Why...

Cades Cove Great Smoky Mountains National Park - Sparks Lane

John Oliver Cabin, the $1 Million Shot

Soaking it in....

Preacher's View

Foothills View

Cades Cove Great Smoky Mountains National Park - Gold and Blue

Mountain View Church

Turf Wars

Cades Cove Great Smoky Mountains National Park TN - Fields of Gold

Living History II

Cades Cove fog in early morning autumn light-4640-4E.jpg

Snowy Quilt Barn

John Oliver Cabin, Cades Cove SMV

View from Unit52 #xspindoc #WHQ

Dawn...Cades Cove, GSM, TN-4633-5E.jpg

Cade's Cove at Sunset

Cades Cove Autumn Light-4607-3E.jpg

Looking down Hyatt Lane in Cades Cove

Autumn Fog-4629-5E.jpg

Red Tree2

Foggy Bottoms

Fall Road Glow

Abrams Falls

Take Me Home

Why Are They Named Blue Ridge?

Late Afternoon on Sparks Lane

Sunrise after the storm_MG_1726.jpg

GSMNP 053115

Cades Cove 4-24-13 Grt Smky Mts Nt Pk HDR

IMG_8390 Smokies Before Sunrise

Late Afternoon on Hyatt Lane

Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains NP

Cade's Cove Morning Panorama

Early Morning Fog

Abrams Creek