To France II

Sauvabelin Tower, Lausanne

a serene night

sunflower admiring the lake

the vineyards

Sunday View


Switzerland, Railway Station Lausanne, 22-08-2009

Cossonay Freight Trip

Sunny afternoon in Ouchy - Switzerland

as a bird

Les 5R

Switzerland, Railway Station Lausanne, 22-08-2009

Pensieri: In fondo, non siamo altro che la somma degli attimi che compogono il nostro passato.. o forse no! Ma chi se ne frega, stasera pizza.. (Explore)

Switzerland, Railway Station Lausanne, 23-08-2009

Eclaircie I

seat with a view

Sunset from Montreux, Switzerland - Project 33/365

entering Le Châtelard

keeping warm

Pretty view #MontreuxJazz

Aran en Lavaux

Levé du jour sur le haut lac

Léman pastel

Blue reflections...

soleil d'hiver / winter sun (2)

Lake Geneva, Montreux

Lutry Beach | earthmosaic.org |

Vue sur Vevey et le Haut-Lac Léman

Paysage hivernal

Narcissus - EXPLORE August 16, 2012 bp #15

Un jour nouveau

Rivaz, aux pieds des Terrasses de Lavaux (CH)

N&B Sunset

Light rain over the Léman

... manque ...

Jump II

Féérie de l'automne ! Magic of autumn !

Le vignoble de Lavaux (1)

Clarens Cemetery, Montreux, Switzerland

Cascade de la Mèbre II

pleine et chaude solitude