View from the Ferris Wheel

Step Into My Archives...

When the Fire Rolls In.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

And the wind carries them off, and all of the hope in their hearts is carried with them until they are gone...

The Last Piece of Local #Countryside (and it's for sale).

Heron Foot Detail

The Duel

Thru the Woods

Camera Roll-345

Van Gogh's Road

It must be a Texas "Thang..."

signs of the season


Columbine 03

Okay! 50 minutes left of this day (i.e., #texastuesday)! Sooo..... I wanted to edit this again- a #repost from about a year ago! This began as a photo and morphed into a #painting of sorts- my first attempt at something truly "#artsy" as far as freestyle

Red-tailed Hawk 04

Great Spreadwing Damselfly

The Trap

Kiki in Leaves

Another & Another

The 13th Day is Always the Hardest

The Shrouding

A room with a view

Another #Season, Another Cycle of the infamous #Texas #Storms approacheth...! Or at least I hope so! I love the excitement that they seem to bring forth out of the landscape and living creatures... (I've heard the pre-storm "friskiness" results from a hi

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 07

#Unedited and #Live for your viewing pleasure! #Lake #Grapevine (#Texas) - I did some adjusting within IG, but this was our beautiful #morning today! :) @ReflexApp, #Reflex

Good Morning!

looking for dinner

The Shrouding

Night Golf

Sunset Flower

Foggy Morning Light 2286 HDR 11-23-11

Linear but not Corporeal

north arlington
