I got a view #lakedistrict #hiking #summer #onthetop

079 Humber Sceptre (Ser. 1A) (1964) BWC 656 B

042 Ford Mustang (1st Gen) Hardtop (1967) AUB 855 E

014 Austin A60 Cambridge (1961) TVS 917

046 Ford Capri GT (116E) (1963) KVG 473 A

030 Chevrolet Impala (2nd Gen) 4 door Sedan (1960) 814 UYH

011 Austin A35 (2 door) (1958) WFF 768

084 Jaguar S type 3.4 litre (1968) RRC 939 F

045 Ford Consul 375 (Mk.II) Lowline (1961) CGN 22

0409 Dodge Custom Royal (1955) 438 UYL

005 Aston Martin V8 Series III (1973) AJW 877 M

017 Austin Allegro (Ser 2) 1300 SDL (1978) UTC 884 T

028 Cadilac Coupe de Ville (3rd Gen) (1966) PUG 115 D

081 Jaguar Mark II 3.8 litre (1961) 430 RDT

031 Chevrolet Corvette (C3) Coupe (1977) LJN 119 R

029 Cadilac De Ville (5th Gen) (1979) DUJ 115 D

070 Ford Granada (2nd Gen) 2.8i Ghia X (1983) KOO 632 Y

077 Humber Super Snipe (Ser III) (1961) 102 WTJ

004 Alvis TD21 (Series 2) (1962) SKS 43

067 Ford Granada (2nd Gen) 2.3 Ghia X (1983) YMY 493 Y

083 Jaguar S type 3.4 litre (1968) TPE 380 F

#scales #lakedistrict #hikingadventures #moutaintop #beatifulscenery #blencathra

Autumn Meets Winter

Their Last Sunset


Crops gathered in at Harvest Time. Seckington, UK.

. . . we are GOLDen

Seedy Heads and Red Lights

St James' Church and Poppies


Looking Back

Seckington View, UK.

Breedon On The Hill Beacon

In the Bleak Midwinter

Autumn Dawn

Seckington View, UK.

Melbourne Golden Hour

Frosted seed head

June Morning, Ingleby

Wheat ready for Harvest.

Derbyshire Rapeseed (Explored)