don't look

1000 Faces of Canada # 0011

Another Castle for my Princess?

La Machine Ottawa July 2017 Crowd on the Market

Miss Daisy

La Machine Ottawa July 2017 Kumo_

October 01, 2013 | {274:365} **Explored**

qu'est-ce que ça mange en hiver?

July 06, 2013 | {187:365} **Explored**

Un Jardin sous l eau / Under water garden

Blue Hour in Gatineau

Love is a slow kiss goodnight.

Forty Seven

Manduca quinquemaculata

L apres tempete/After the snow storm

Jaune Douceur

Iris and Orton modification

Mackenzie King Sunset

Rideau Falls

A flower to my Flickr friends for the new year/Pour vous mes ami(e)s sur Flickr pour cette nouvelle année

An Intimate Portrait

~ Rideau Canal, Ottawa ~

My Ottawa

Rideau Falls (Ottawa, ON)

beautiful sky over Ottawa

Princess Louise Falls

Great way to beat the heat

September 06, 2013 | {249:365} **Explored**

Heritage house (1889) at 301 Metcalfe Street in Ottawa, Ontario

July 16, 2013 | {197:365}

Ile Kettle

Mist in the woods

Riviere Outaouais- Ottawa

July 26, 2013 | {207:365} **Explored**

Les chutes/falls Rideau


Forest colours

I feel this one is...

Long Road to Ruin

Autumn falls

The reed dancers.