100% Chance of Snow...

A Magnificent Osprey Landing

Black Skimmer

Ipswich Sparrow

an Oystercatcher Sunset

Tri-Colored Heron...Stalking

Rufa Red Knot

Salt Marsh Heron

Sleepy Dunlin

Can't Quite Agree

Sandblasted Sanderling

Lazy Summer Days...

Red Knot

Blue Sky Gannet

LeConte's Sparrow

Marbled Godwit

Before Dawn

Rip Yer Face Off

View from the Dock

Atlantic City

Red Knot Strut'n

Morning Has Broken....

If Only

Lilly in the Morning

Old Acquintance

Crossing over

The rare double rainbow pano...

One thing is for certain, the sun will rise everyday

Just press play

A beach house in Avalon, NJ, viewed through the grass on the sand dunes.

lightning over Princeton Harbor

Beach Sunrise

Double Bow

Avalon, New-Jersey [Explored!]

This chancy rendezvous

The Contemplator

Least Sandpiper

End of Day

Sea Isle

The flight of the day