Cowgirls, ready to compete - 2018-07-27_32

Tate Junkers

Easy, my friend - 2018-07-27_47

Comfortable in the saddle - 2018-07-27_05

Hasty Student Life Center - Light Fixture 2

A room with a view

Staying power - 2018-07-27_45

Return To Tate Station

Rodeo clown, on the fence - 2018-07-27_20

canton main street

I don't blame him - 2018-07-27_17

Easy, now! - 2018-07-27_14

All eyes on him - 2018-07-27_11

Freestyle MotoX - 2018-07-27_44

Hasty Student Life Center - Light Fixture

Rodeo bound - 2018-07-27_04

Getting out of the way - 2018-07-27_15

Will she or won't she? - 2018-07-27_38

Grab his tail ! - 2018-07-27_18

Miniature View

canton firehouse

Thanksgiving 2007_106

59/366 Georgia Sunset

Fog Over Hickory Log Creek

Thanksgiving 2007_045

Atop Hamilton Falls, West River, Jamaica, VT.

Thanksgiving 2007_061

Etowah River

Hickory Log Creekwater Supply Reservoir 44

Atlanta Garden Lights

Landscape: Tate, Georgia

Lake Alla'nowater

Halfway through a long walk.. iPhone pic

Atlanta Architectural Lights

Atlanta Garden Lights

Thanksgiving 2007_033

Volare Landscape

Star Wars Ninja Caffeine Workout

Early Sun On the Hillside.jpg

Atlanta Landscape Lights

Atlanta Commercial Lights