Radar Love

Houston Weather Forecast

STREET FLOOD - Friday 13th Houston -

Black Swallowtail Caterpillar


Texas Lone Star and Wagon

Misty Morning Sunrise

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

Stanced IS250 AWD

Texas Says Farewell to 41

one more please

Texas Says Farewell to 41

Texas Says Farewell to 41

HIWI: The Construction

… Raindrops on roses …

Fly me to the moon...

Cooper's Hawk

down, a little to the left, that's it!

Sunset Trail

Houston Racecourse

Addicted to Power

Tomball Sunrise

I shot a Caracara

Poison Ivy

Sunday Sunset

Titan Shifter

Rose of Thanks!!!

Fore!!! Golf outing day!!!

Bayou ran over its banks

Welcome Back little American Pipit

Sundown on the bayou

Captive Eastern Screech-owl


I'll Be Fine

Windmill & Wildflowers - HWW!!!

Divine Painter

Dry Pond ----

Houston Texas LDS Temple

2017 - Dec.10th - Old Bridge Kuyrendahl 01 (30)