Yale Lake Sunrise - St. Helens Viewpoint

Summer at the Cedar Creek Grist Mill

A pretty little place

Cedar Creek Grist Mill, 5x7

Cedar Creek Grist Mill

Cedar Creek Spring

Newt at Cedar Creek Grist Mill

Grandpa, we miss you

mountain view cemetery - view, wa

7677 Tolype distincta moth, Lake Merwin, Washington

Lake Merwin Campers Hideaway

Tolype distincta moth, Lake Merwin, Washington

I can see clearly now…

Spokane Success

Good Seating Still Available

A view of bright pleasure...

Mt. St. Helens Morning

Finding A Path

Great Grandpa & Great Grandma

On the hill

mountain view cemetery - view, wa

Through the looking glass

Cedar Creek Grist Mill

Fall Colors at the Grist Mill

Cedar Creek

Cedar Creek


Cedar Creek Grist Mill


Still Winter

Cedar Creek Grist Mill

lake merwin

Winter on the Lewis River

over the river

same old grind

Cedar Creek Grist Mill

Autumnal Scene, Cedar Creek Grist Mill

Witness of autumn

Cedar Creek Grist Mill 4