Fall Marsh, Nova Scotia - HDR (Orton)

View from the car.

Fall Marsh, HDR

HERH Morning View

Nova Scotia

Miller Road

Turf Lake


Elk Antlers

Snakewort, Conocephalum salebrosum

2015-07-04 15.54.02

2015-08-14 at 20.12.43

2015-07-04 at 19.44.53

#Music #practice time is very serious business at my family home here on the #EastCoast - as it should be! #soundscience #soundscience #musicnovascotia #soundsters #cubedtravel #nsmusic

Canada Geese on the 7th hole green at the Airlane Golf Course.

These are almost grown goslings.

Rosie in the other back seat.

Sadie in the back seat.

Clifford snuggling in the car.

Evening sky over Elmsdale .

Jeff Bokma

Mukhabat Azadova

Flight from Halifax to Charlottetown. Over Nova Scotia (470908)

Storm coming.

After our walk in Laurie Park we went to Sobey's in Elmsdale to get some groceries. When we got back in the car the windshield looked like this.
