The Road To Nowhere

Horseshoe Falls Revisited

Horseshoe Falls, Mt Field

Russell Falls Tasmania 1987 04

The Moods of Lake Webster Part 1 - Mount Field National Park

Russell Falls Tasmania 1987 05

Forest | Mt. Field National Park, Tasmania

Russell Falls Tasmania 1987 06

There is an Island on Lake Belton - Mount Field National Park

View across Mt. Field National Park

20140205-69-View from Rodway Range.jpg

Atmospherics Over Lake Seal

Smokey Sunset

Russel Falls, Tasmania

Russell Falls

Russell Falls Tasmania 03 1987

A view to a kill

20151004-18-View from summit of Rodway Range

20151004-19-View from summit of Rodway Range

Pandani Grove Track - Mount Field National Park

We stumble through and around the bogs near Lake Belcher

half horseshoe falls

russell falls

On the edge

Mount Field West

R U S S E L L ~ F A L L S

Where the Wild Things Are

Horseshoe Falls - Mount Field National Park

shades of white


Russell Falls

Horseshoe Luck

Horse Shoe Falls

Russel's falls

Horseshoe Falls

Quenching the Thirst

Horseshoe Falls - Mount Field National Park

Russell Falls | Mt. Field National Park, Tasmania