On the Ramparts

once a building, now the gate to the rest of the deep deep forest

Strolling through Najac

Les Sonatines Below The Stars

Estate Agent...possibly!


Porte de l'Horloge...

Najac Castel (Najac, France)

Najac main street (Najac, France)

Najac Castel (Najac, France)

Consult the Map

Stone buildings and cobbled streets...

Hillside Village...

Steep hill...

Lamp-post on the corner of the street...

A pool with a view

Ready to fly [EXPLORE]

Sunrise at Les Sonatines

Cordes-sur-Ciel Midi-Pyrenees France

Najac: view of castle

The Chateau... and the pretty village

.... Cordes sur Ciel


Forteresse royale de Najac - Royal fortress of Najac

Saint-Martin Laguépie [Tarn]

Burgal, Souel

Cordes sur Ciel. TARN. FRANCE.

Castillo de Najac

Najac [Aveyron]

Cordes-sur-Ciel [Tarn]

Le mordor

Vue exterieure Cordes sur ciel




EL rey

when evening falls

Campagne Albigeoise

Chateau de Najac