Hegeler-Carus Mansion

B&O GP30 6932 Bureau, IL

View of tonight's storm rolling in from the cupola. #hegelercarus #landmarksilove

CRI&P X-204East

Illinois Central LaSalle, Ill. Yard

View from upstairs. #snowday at the #historic #hegelercarus #mansion #chillinois #enjoyillinois #enoughalready #enjoylasallecounty

Southwest Airlines departure view

Split Rock La Salle IL

I and M Canal from Split Rock

2011-03-30 20.06.40

view from split rock

split rock3

2008 flooding aerial

Passenger Car end view

Illinois, Spring Valley, "Why Not Now?, " Gold Medal Flour (15,736)

Dave Buddy & I at Troy Grove IL (11)

Rip's Fried ChIcken

LaSalle, IL

2011-03-26 11.27.05

BNSF 24000 - hi-rail truck with crane and claw (rear view)

LaSalle Canyon

2013-07-04 16.36.33

Waking at bakers lake for exercise.

Starving Rock

Tracking the Sun

#iwannaflyaway #cool #airplane

Bottle brush. #hegelercarus #gardens

Little Vermilion 2256x1496-002

LaSalle Wide

#takenbyowen #okieisawesome #firstflight #iwannaflyaway

Heaps of Slag and Sand

No Entry

Basswood Canyon

I'm thinking about becoming a #morning person! #sunrise

Behind the Curtain

#dewdrops #earlymorning

Sunset Leaves


Split Rock Tunnel, looking west

20131026 09 LaSalle, Illinois