Scenes from the Adirondack, no. 4

Bridge to Vermont

Odelltown Methodist Church

Les ultimes rayons

Champ enneigé

Scheimpflug / Sleepy Hollow!!

L'église de St-Blaise un soir de novembre

Champs détrempés

Fort Lennox, Quebec

Champ doré

Northern Hawk Owl

View on the train ride home

Amtrak's Adirondack with P42DC 145 & Great Dome Ocean View

Duty Free Store - Boutique Hors Taxes

New York: Rouses Point: Rutland Passenger Station

Great Dome Oceanview - Cantic Quebec

Rouses Point Bridge, NY, VT 20060920 003 Lake Champlain viewed from Alburgh, VT

Ivory Gull

Drag racing under the lights

Rouses Point, NY 20060920 002 Lake Champlain viewed from Alburgh, VT

Bernache du Canada

Neige fraîchement semée


Chemin entre deux champs

[ mysterious creatures inhabit the forest ] ...Or so I like to believe.

Lacolle (Rte 233) Canadian Port of Entry

Maison abandonnée / Abandoned house, St-Paul de l'Île aux Noix, Québec (P0024255)

Fall in St Georges de Clarenceville, Qc

«Allez, en rang, les plants de maïs...»

les canons du Fort Lennox

Champ de maïs congelé

P'tite grange verte

Just past the swing bridge

Light circle

On the train NYC > Montreal


Un paysage couleur caramel

Crépuscule à St-Paul

Waiting at the border is always fun. #sunset #bordercrossing #champlain