Old School 2

View of the cloudy ocean. My beautiful perpetual sunset for hours. #latergram #pardonmewhileikissthesky

Frost line


Beautiful view of the tree line.

29 Cord L-29

Gramma has a nice view from her room at the hospital - especially with the heart garland I made for the window!

The Little Lady Bug

Thats a big chicken

1969 Ford XL 500

Male hoverfly on Canada thistle

Day 34 of 365 (2-3-11)

Minnesota, Hennepin County, School District 107 (699)

Japanese spirea flowers

Fireplace with Pergola

WW: Lake Rebecca Hike, Nov 2005

Southeast view of my home

Another view

Thistle tortoise beetle pupa

Telephoto shot of my home

Northeast view of my home

NS 9809 Rockford

The SOO at Loretto West

Storm Light in Medina

Medina Sunset

Color My Eyes...

CWR-10 at Loretto

Making Hay

CP 8839 at Loretto

Penn Central

Down by the River

Hoar frost

SOO 6023 Rockford

Crow River Bridge - Then and Now 2

Big red tractor

NS 8814 Hamel

And the sun came! #latergram #pardonmewhileikissthesky #mysufjanstevenslookingrowmatecuriouslylookedon #seewhatididthere #fanwellbeforechicago #notahipster anyway

Foggy Morning in the Cornfield

#13 at Rush Creek

Somewhere over Canada, ay, the landscape roots me home. #latergram #pa #ontario #lovelytree #snow #life #pardonmewhileikissthesky