three rainbows (best seen in large)

the snail wire-walker

Peratallada (NO HDR)

feeding the sun

the princess and the wheat bale

Gray day... (please, see large)

freshly cut field - have a great weekend....

Barcas con reflejos

la plaça de Púbol

El Port Bo de Calella

the solitary sunflower

a fresh rose... see it large, please

the heart of a green flower...

absorbed in a HBW

little spider walking on a stem - best large

the lonely tree and the ray of light

flares - bona revetlla i que tireu molts petards...

The dead tree

Carrer del Quintà (Púbol - Costa Brava)

leaves in the shadow

this is not a butterfly

Hora baixa a Calella de Palafrugell

Calella de Palafrugell, Girona Spain

Calella de Palafrugell

Roques Planes [EXPLORE]


Calella de Palafrugell

Pastel sunrise

Racons de la costa Brava.

Mirando al Mar

Calella de palafrugell

The Red Island.

La Torre Vella

Calella de Palafrugell


... The stone ...

Aigua Blava

Tamariu - Cala Xelida

La Torre Vella

Palau-sator Costa Brava