L apres tempete/After the snow storm

Rivière des Outaouais, Canada - 5123

High Speed Pass


ice sun

Saturday night, she took my chair...good night

July 26, 2013 | {207:365} **Explored**

Are You Threading Me?

I See Fields Of Green...

Can You Feel The Warmth Given Off By These Bright Glowing Christmas Lights? Surely You Feel The Joy Spreading Through You!

September 20, 2013 | {263:365}

*** Chouette lapone / Great gray owl

Floating Wishes **Explored**

September 06, 2013 | {249:365} **Explored**

February 23, 2013 | {054:365} **Explored**

Throwback Thursday - Premiere Edition **Explored**

Week 40 of 52

Hyalophora cecropia

Manduca quinquemaculata

Love is a slow kiss goodnight.

Aquarium #8

Scène d'automne

Too cold today to sit and gaze over the Ottawa River from Petrie Island in Orleans (Ottawa), Ontario

Hiver précoce!!.../// Early winter!....

Canadian Aviation and Space Museum, 11 Aviation Parkway, Ottawa, ON

Petrie Island Landscape

9 January 2016 - **Explored**

Petrie Island, Orleans, Ontario, Canada

Lake at Petrie Island

Sunset at Petrie Island, Orleans, Ontario, Canada

May 29, 2013 | {149:365}

June 25, 2013 | {176:365} **Explored**

Week 38 of 52 **Explored**

Straight from the camera - landscape

En équilibre!....

Reflections in "The Sphere" at the National Research Council of Canada campus in Ottawa, Ontario

Petrie Island, Orleans, Ontario, Canada

Week 26 of 52