Countryside of Kimitsu-city 3

[HDR] Momiji with light up

Countryside of Kimitsu-city 4

Yourou-Keikoku autumn viewing 20151206

Countryside of Kimitsu-city 2

Youn women in sunset

Young sisters taking selfie pictures on tourboat

Young woman taking picture of landscape from observatory

Countryside of Kimitsu-city 1

HDR: ravine view

Young sisters having fun in forest

Young sisters walking up to the top of the hill

Young woman taking pictures on observatory

Yoro onsen

Young sisters taking selfie pictures on lake

Young woman looking over scenery in sunset

Japanese sisters seeing great view of landscape

Japanese sisters in nature

Young woman smiling on bridge

Yoro onsen

what a beautiful view!!



Yoro Keikoku

In the Dream.



Spring has come !


Autumn Leaves

Yomogi Fudo Falls In Monochrome

MacGregor Country Club


Amusement Park.


The Way

Huawei P20pro

Isumi railway runing beside Small shrine and ginkgo tree

Autumn Leaves

The Yōrō River

Yōrō Falls