Night Scenery of deep inside of GION

UNESCO World Heritage Site The Hoo-do (Phoenix Hall)of Byodoin Temple 平等院鳳凰堂

Tofukuji-Temple Bridge

Superb Gate

Takasegawa Ichino-Funairi (高瀬川一之船入 たかせがわいちのふないり) in Autumn in Kyoto (京都) Japan

The Shadow / Kyoto Karasuma Street

京都祇園の夕景 / Gion Twilight View

Wisteria / UNESCO World Heritage Site The Hoo-do (Phoenix Hall)of Byodoin Temple

Kennin-ji Temple (建仁寺) in Autumn in Kyoto (京都) Japan


frame / Kyoto Myosin-ji Temple Tenkyu-in 京都 妙心寺天球院

Gion Shirakawa

Shadow pattern

Autumn Colors at Tofukuji Temple (東福寺 とうふくじ) in Kyoto Japan

A view on Tenryu-ji temple gardens, Kyoto, Japan

Tribute to the sky

神泉苑 / Shinsen-en Temple

Never the end

Umbrellas of Kyoto, Japan

Picturesque Nison-in

Tofukuji Temple Red Leaves (東福寺 紅葉 とうふくじ) in Kyoto Japan

The odd one out

竹林 高台寺

鴨川 Kamo river

Bamboo forest - Arashiyama

HANAMI ---Sakura with the pagoda---

竹林 高台寺

嵐山 桂川

清水寺 Kiyomizu dera-Kyoto Japan

Bamboo Grove

Bamboo Overdose

After the rain


Kamogawa - Kyoto

Bamboo Forest at Arashiyama, Japan

The Bamboo Forest 2

Way of the Bamboo

Lead 導き 京都市東山区 知恩院


Bamboo Forest

the path of bamboo, revisited #31 (Sagano, Kyoto)